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Titel - Nonsense madrigals: A long sad tale

Countertenor 1: David Hurley Countertenor 2: Nigel Short Tenor: Bob Chilcott Bariton 1: Bruce Russell Bariton 2: Philip Lawson Baß: Stephen Connolly


"Off with her head!"
Head, heal, teal, tell, tall, tail...
"Mine is a long and a sad tale."
"It is a long tail, certainly,
but why do you call it sad?"
Turn witch into fairy.
Witch, winch, wench, tench, tenth, tents, tints,
tilts, tills, fills, falls, fails, fairs, fairy!
Fury said to a mouse,
That he met in the house,
"Let us both go to law:
I will prosecute you. - Come,
I'll take no denial;
We must have a trial:
For really this morning
I've nothing to do."
Furies, buries, buried, burked, barked, barred, barrel...
Said the mouse to the cur,
"Such a trial, dear Sir,
With no jury or judge,
would be wasting our breath."
"I'll be judge, I'll be jury,"
Said cunning old Fury:
"I'll try the whole cause,
and condemn you to death."
Quilt, guilt, guile, guide, glide, slide, slice, spice,
 spine, spins, shins, shies, shier, sheer, sheet...

Aus dem Buch "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

Ligeti-Edition 4 (1997)

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