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Jeremy Jackman
Alastair Thompson
Bill Ives
Anthony Holt
Simon Carrington
Colin Mason

Oobu Joobu



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[Händlerlogo] Label: Best Buy
OOBU 5, nicht im Handel erhältlich
  1. Oobu Joobu main theme
    Gesprochene Einleitung, gefolgt von der Titelmusik
  2. Looking for changes
    Soundcheck in Las Vegas
  3. Peace in the neighbourhood
    Soundcheck in Las Vegas
  4. Wild life
    Full album track
  5. Mother nature's son
    Live performance soundcheck
  6. Off the ground
    Live performance soundcheck
  7. Cow
    Linda McCartney, Carla Lane
  8. How many people
  9. We all stand together
    Paul McCartney and the Frog Chorus (The King's Singers)
    Original Demo

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